hello everyone, i hope everyone has used Torrents at least once in their life. But still many people don’t know the basics of torrent that everybody should know about Torrent.”The Ultimate Torrent guide for 2019″ will walk through all the terms and technologies behind torrent which every user should know. Simply said Torrent is basically a file sharing system primarily for large size files. So with this definition lets get started.
Table of Contents
Torrent is not illegal!

Torrent is totally legal just like having guns and knives in your home, in some countries guns are illegal but knives are in every kitchen, the point where it becomes illegal is when you use it for any illegal purpose. Torrent is file sharing platform for creators to share their work, the file we are talking here is open source and anybody can use it. sharing Copyright material is illegal, unless explicitly specified to be distributed through Torrent. open source content such as Operating Systems (Ubuntu, Kali Linux etc), Archives of data openly shared and other content owned by Open Source Organisations can be used. But content such as Movies, Songs, Pay per Views are illegal because they are owned by private organisations and are distributed by other people for you to consume.
Understand common Torrent terms that you may come across.
if you are using Torrent or about to use Torrent these following terms are the must know for the users, So let’s go through them one by one.
1.) torrent
You must know what the torrent file looks like, it looks like one of the picture given below. It has an extension of .tr or .torrent which means it can be opened by torrent program. torrent file itself is of very less size (very few kbs). It’s not the original file it’s a key to point to the original file which is somewhere else. the major part that is downloading the file is still needed to be done.
2.) Seeder
who is a seeder? A seeder is a person who has access to the complete file that is being shared across the torrent network.
3.) Leecher
A leech or Leecher is a person who does not have the file but he is downloading the file present on the network, if the download is complete the leecher will convert into seeder.
4.) Swarm
it is the total number of user in the network for a particular file, ie the sum total of the seeders and leechers.
5.) Tracker
it is a server which tracks which files have been downloaded by the user and which files are to be downloaded by the user. every-time you pause the your PC the tracker keeps track of the downloaded and un-downloaded data , it resumes your download from where you left off.
it is the ration of total amount of data a user has uploaded to the total amount of data user has downloaded. For ratio greater than 1 it means the user reputation is good and it is also good for the network, but if share ration is less than 1 it shows poor reputation of the user and is also bad for the network.
Understanding Copyright Laws
sharing your work on a peer-to-peer network is completely legal but sharing a copyright content is illegal. Some countries allow sharing of content but for individual purpose. It is a law which gives creators the right over their work and how they want it to be distributed and who owns the revenue produced by that content.
Sharing copyright material is a punishable offence. Your identity can be tracked on the torrent network, changing your IP won’t save you, in the network the leecher and seeder both are committing a crime one is distributing the content and the other is downloading it despite it being a copyright material. In many countries torrent is banned for the reason that it is violating their Copyright Laws.
Get started with using Torrents.
first and foremost you need to find a good torrent client, a good torrent client is open source, safe, reliable and user friendly. After downloading the torrent client you need to find the right torrent files that you want to download. A good torrent website will let you download good quality torrent files, they are safe, free from malicious content.
how to download torrents ?
1.) Go to any torrent website, there will be a search tab or better their will be a category tab where you can find torrent files of a particular category. search for the file you want to download and let it download.

2.) Before downloading you may see different torrent files for the same search, try to find the file which is distributed by the actual publisher. and even try to find those torrent files that have good amount of seeders so you can get enough speed while downloading your file.

3.) Test for the networks that are best for you, you can go into settings panel of the torrent client program and you can know about Bandwidth, uploading speed, downloading speed for your particular torrent file.
4.) Don’t forget to leech your file that you have downloaded, To be a good member of the torrent community you have to at-least upload the same amount of file that you have downloaded. so that the upload to download ratio is 1:1.
So Torrent is a sharing platform but how can i create my own torrent and share it with the world, well we have got you covered. Read on to know how you can create your own torrent files and share it.
How to create your own torrent?
this is one of the things very few people know about, you can create your own torrent file and share it with the world. we will help you creating your own torrent and sharing it with your friends.
WARNING : – you shouldn’t share content which is not owned by you. You may get into copyright issues and a lot of paperwork.
1.) You can share you files you the same torrent client that you have downloaded. Go to File > Create New Torrent .

2.) The create new Torrent pop up will appear where you will have to fill some details such as the source file you want to share, trackers, web seeds, comments etc.
3.) Select Preserve File Order when you don’t want the file order to change when someone is downloading it.

4.) Uncheck private torrent if you are not using private trackers.
5.) Upload the torrent file to a good tracker website and share the link with your family and friends.
Torrent is peer to peer network for sharing files with other people without uploading it to a cloud or drive, while torrent is only one of the popular networks. there are many other networks which are making their way in the market particularly talking about Block-chain technology and decentralized systems. Hope you like the The Ultimate Torrent guide for 2019.